Robust Baskettail
Epitheca [Tetragoneuria] spinosa
The Robust Baskettail (Epitheca [Tetragoneuria] spinosa) is a dragonfly of parts of the eastern United States. It is very similar to others of this genus complex and most individuals cannot be identified from photos. The individual in the first image shown here was in the Davy Crockett National Forest in Houston Co., Texas, in March, 2008. Four species of baskettails were present and several specimens were collected by Dr. John Abbott and me. A few days later, Martin Reid was back at this location and was able to get some amazingly good flight shots of this species. Have a look at his images here. The dusting of small specks on the abdomen of the dragonfly was pollen, probably pine pollen, which was in the air and thick on the ground on this day.