The various Jumping Spider species (Phidippus species) shown on this page have not been confidently identified to species. Many or all may be variations of Phidippus texanus, and/or Phidippus arizonensis, but this is uncertain. The first two shots show a jumping spider on a rusty barbed wire fence in Austin, Travis Co., Texas, in November, 2009. These shots were taken with a Canon EOS 1D Mark III and a Sigma 150mm F/2.8 Macro. |
The next five shots are from Austin, Travis Co., Texas, in October, 2010. These were taken with a Canon EOS 1D Mark IV and an EF 180 mm F/3.5 Macro lens. |
The jumping spider in the next four shots has captured a tiny robber fly. These shots are from Austin, Travis Co., Texas, in October, 2010. The same photo gear as the previous images was used. |
The jumping spider on the right was on a Prickly Pear cactus in Austin, Texas, in November, 2010. |
The next four shots are from deep south Texas in Starr Co., in May, 2010. These images almost certainly show Phidippus texanus. |