Cyrano Darner
Nasiaeschna pentacantha
The Cyrano Darner (Nasiaeschna pentacantha) is a widespread darner of the eastern United States which may be found as far west as parts of central Texas. It is a darner of bogs and swamps and river courses and it is typically difficult to photograph since it seems to rarely perch, and when it does it seems to be in a tough spot for photos. The first shot here shows a female on a rather unusual perch where she stopped for about 5 seconds before moving on. This shot was taken near Boykin Springs, Angelina National Forest, Jasper Co., Texas, in April, 2010, with a Canon EOS 1D Mark IV and an EF 300mm F/4 L IS lens and 2X extender and 580 flash.
The male Cyrano Darner on the right was along the Little Pee Dee River in Horry Co., South Carolina, in May, 2012.